
Sources Referred

Migration to Brick Kilns In India: An Appraisal

The Making of Urban Peripheries and Peripheral Labor: Brick Kilns and Circular Migration in and beyond Greater Delhi, 2021

Labour Market Dynamics & Industrial Relations in Brick Kiln Industry

Examining the Impact of Covid-19 on Brick Kiln Workers

Roadmap for Promoting Resource Efficient Bricks in India: A 2032 strategy  

Burnt clay brick sector in India, Factsheet, ICIMOD

Caste and development: Contemporary perspectives on a structure of discrimination and advantage

Report of the Working Groupon Migration

The Making of Urban Peripheries and Peripheral Labor: Brick Kilns and Circular Migration in and beyond Greater Delhi

Afterword: A “Division of Laborers”

A Roundtable on Rupa Viswanath’s The Pariah Problem: Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India and the Study of Castehttps

Debt Bondage and the Tricks of Capital

Forced Migration of Labourers to Brick Kilns in Uttar Pradesh: An Exploratory Analysis

Working against Labor: Struggles for Self in the Indian Construction Industry

Gendered Technologies of Power: Experiencing and unmaking borderscapes in South Asia

Moving For Marriage: Inequalities, Intimacy and Women’s Lives in Rural North India

Gender and Globalization Opportunities and Constraints Faced by Women in the Construction Industry in India

The Building and Other Construction Workers Act (BOCW)

Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana

Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers, 2021

Aajeevika Bureau