Sources Referred
Migration to Brick Kilns In India: An Appraisal →
The Making of Urban Peripheries and Peripheral Labor: Brick Kilns and Circular Migration in and beyond Greater Delhi, 2021 →
Labour Market Dynamics & Industrial Relations in Brick Kiln Industry →
Examining the Impact of Covid-19 on Brick Kiln Workers →
Roadmap for Promoting Resource Efficient Bricks in India: A 2032 strategy →
Burnt clay brick sector in India, Factsheet, ICIMOD →
Caste and development: Contemporary perspectives on a structure of discrimination and advantage →
Report of the Working Groupon Migration →
The Making of Urban Peripheries and Peripheral Labor: Brick Kilns and Circular Migration in and beyond Greater Delhi →
Afterword: A “Division of Laborers” →
A Roundtable on Rupa Viswanath’s The Pariah Problem: Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India and the Study of Castehttps →
Debt Bondage and the Tricks of Capital →
Forced Migration of Labourers to Brick Kilns in Uttar Pradesh: An Exploratory Analysis →
Working against Labor: Struggles for Self in the Indian Construction Industry →
Gendered Technologies of Power: Experiencing and unmaking borderscapes in South Asia →
Moving For Marriage: Inequalities, Intimacy and Women’s Lives in Rural North India →
Gender and Globalization Opportunities and Constraints Faced by Women in the Construction Industry in India →
The Building and Other Construction Workers Act (BOCW) →
Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana →
Central Sector Scheme for Rehabilitation of Bonded Labourers, 2021 →
Aajeevika Bureau →